Cross Community Church is a body of believers united by our desire to follow Jesus Christ and committed to fulfilling the purposes set forth in our Mission Statement. If God has given you a desire to join with us and you support the beliefs, fellowship, and mission of our church, we invite you to become a member. Here are the steps to becoming a member:
1.) Present yourself for membership during any worship service when the invitation is given.
The Pastor will invite those who desire to become members of Cross Community Church to speak with someone in our Decision Counseling area, which is in the back of the Worship Center. You will then be introduced to a counselor who will speak with you and prayerfully guide you in your decision.
2.) Express your desire for membership through one of the following:
Profession of Faith – If you have never received Jesus as Savior and Lord and/or never publicly confessed Him, you will be given an opportunity to do that. After your decision has been confirmed, an appointment will be made for your baptism at Cross Community Church.
Transfer of Membership from another Southern Baptist Church – If you are currently a member of another Southern Baptist Church, you may transfer your membership letter from that church. Cross Community Church will contact that church to notify them of your decision and request your letter.
Statement of Faith – If you have previously made a public decision, acknowledging that you have received Christ as your Savior and Lord, we will be happy to receive you. It will be necessary for you to be baptized at Cross Community Church if you have never been baptized scripturally (as a believer, by immersion, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as a symbol of your salvation).
3.) Complete our New Members Class.
Our New Members Class will help you to make sure that Cross Community Church is the best fit for you and your family as you look for a church home. The content of the class will teach you what it means to be a follower of Jesus, help you to develop your own personal testimony, and explain the ministries and mission of Cross Community Church.
4.) Complete the New Member Interview
Finally, you will contacted by one of the Elders to set up a New Member Interview. During this conversation, which can be completed in person or over the phone, we will want to hear your personal salvation testimony and determine if you in agreement with our Church Covenant. You can also ask any questions about Cross Community Church.
Once completing the above steps, if you agree with all that you learn and our church covenant, your membership will be affirmed by vote by our congregation.
5.) Church Vote